Call me crazy, but what's the REAL intent behind all this crisis?

Couple that with this:

Continuing this trend and I’ll be buying “stock” in fdjake’s “Future Predictions, Inc.”

I have to make ONE MORE prediction…

PLEASE…SOMEONE…Do yourself a HUGE favor and go out tonight and buy the latest copy of AUTOMOBILE MAGAZINE.

It’s like getting the winning numbers to next weeks Power Ball drawing on the news stand TODAY!!!

Here’s the FRONT COVER HEADLINE with 3 new Fords underneath it…

                              THE CARS WE NEED NOW!

 These 3 FORDS lead a stampede of great new gas sipping cars 
             from europe that you'll actually want to drive.       

People here ask me this all the time in PM’s…


Can it be made ANY EASIER???

The next question (regarding Ford stock) is WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY ONE???

These car magazines SELL MILLIONS OF CARS… I know, I know, people aren’t BUYING cars now…That is 100% true…BUT…will this last forever??? Those Euro Fords will be hitting the streets in 2010 and 2011. My money says by then we’ll be through the worst of it…Hell I can even wait till 2012 if I have to…

One last note…DO NOT be surprised to see Ford stock drop into the $2 to $3 range in 2009. AAHHHHHH YESSSS…$2 Ford stock!!! Makes it so nice when it’s up into the $30’s 5 or 6 years from now!!! Then the PM’s will all be asking…Jake, what did you read to KNOW that Ford would come back?? What should I buy now??? I have $5000 to invest, it’s my life savings I NEED AHOME RUN like FORD, Please help NOW!!! Are you a psychic???

No gentleman…It’s called WATCHING what’s going on around you.

LOAD UP BOY’S, the last time I saw a deal this GREAT on a stock was 1992 and Chrysler was going down the tubes. That stock went from a RECESSION low of $8 to $159/share in 5 years!!!
The Goverment is ALREADY on the hook for $25 BILLION in loans to the Big 3, am I the ONLY one here who is WATCHING this???..Someone…anyone…Please tell me how the Goverment DOESN’T make more loans to them now that WE’RE on the hook for $25

This is EXACTLY what I mean when I say…

“You can complain about it, or you can PROFIT from it!”

This will be the hottest thread in this real estate forum! I’ll be watching! :slight_smile:

This is just a planned hoax! Nothing more!

I couldn’t agree more… whatever perceived value the “experts” are placing on this are a pittance to the destruction of our republic. We were sold out once again… this is :bs

“When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic” - Benjamin Franklin

Unfortunately, this :bs affects all of us, in one way or another we have to live with it and survive it! :slight_smile:

My question to this bailout is why $700B (or, with the added pork, $800B)? Why not $100B or $300B or $521,243,334?

I read an article recently that suggested that $700B is the amount needed to cover the interest on our countries debt for the year?

I agree something needed to be done. What I question is the amount.

Something does need to be done, but borrowing (printing out of thin air) another $700B as a cure for over-borrowing is INSANE! We need a Depression to wash out all the excess. We need go get rid of the Federal Reserve (for a third time). We need to get back on the gold standard. We need to get rid of government over-regulation of business. We need to ship all the socialists to socialist countries. We need to get rid of political correctness. We need to drill EVERYWHERE there is oil.

In my opinion, what we are seeing now is a very calm, very organized sell-off. We won’t see a near term bottom in the stock market until we see some REAL capitulation (with all the markets down limits and stops put in place). It will be interesting to see if the DOW can close below 10,000, which would normally be a major psychological barrier. I thought it would at least bounce at 10,000 a little this morning before dropping below 10,000.


That’s just it, Mike - the government is doing whatever it can to keep the status quo, instead of doing what is right. They have a “let’s have a little pain now and let us deal with the consequences later” attitude, when it should be “let’s fix this now, go through a lot of pain, and come out better in the end” attitude. I’m just wondering when the next round of “handouts” are going to come (to the banks - not us).

I’m just wondering when the next round of “handouts” are going to come (to the banks - not us).

They’re on the way! Bailouts for everyone (yes, including you). The ironic thing is that the bailouts will only make things worse in the long run - MUCH WORSE! The cure to being over-extended is NOT to borrow (print) trillions more!!!


my take on it is this. The credit market is falling apart because banks don’t trust each other and their borrowers due to the fact that they can’t verify what their assets are worth.

Because of that banks are becoming more and more unwilling to lend to each other and to their customers, in some cases cutting them off from loans. Most businesses use short term loans to bridge the gap between when they have an expense to cover (like inventory purchases) and when they get cash from sales. When businesses don’t have access to these loans they are forced to pay their expenses with cash, which can run out very quickly if not managed correctly.

When businesses run out of cash they are done. If you ran out of credit and were forced to work with cash only, how quickly do you think you would run out of it? Especially when things like replacing or repairing cars and putting your kids through school pop up.

They need to fix this quick