What was being referenced with this is a Fannie Mae deed restriction. This restriction is on all Fannie Mae foreclosed properties for sale. This is not an underwriting guideline by any means. Basically, Fannie Mae is trying to hault the potential of fraud. No matter what type of loan is being used, conventional (fannie/freddie), alt-a, subprime…the investor can not take out a loan or sell for over 120% of what they initially paid.
<<What was being referenced with this is a Fannie Mae deed restriction. This restriction is on all Fannie Mae foreclosed properties for sale. This is not an underwriting guideline by any means. Basically, Fannie Mae is trying to hault the potential of fraud. No matter what type of loan is being used, conventional (fannie/freddie), alt-a, subprime…the investor can not take out a loan or sell for over 120% of what they initially paid.>>
I contacted a lady at the hud office about the two year thing and she said individuals are “expunged” from their records after that time. I find that hard to believe given that the time frames so short, BUT maybe you’re removed from the files that would set off a red flag…I wouldn’t test it though. the government kinda scares me when it comes to going after people.
I got Fannie Mae to waive the clause. They accepted my offer. It is a 2900 sqft house with 3 car garage. On the golf course about 1.5 miles from the lake. They accepted $90,000. My guess the AVF is $150,000 to $165,000 (my appraiser is going over tomorrow) It will take about $15,000 to get it into top shape. It should rent for around $1500/month.