Opportunity in Brazil

About the allotment:

Balneario agua limpia - MG

It hosts coca cola’s largest bottler in Latin America, in the state of Minas Gerais, 20 minutes away from the capital Belo Horizonte and shares fence with Alphaville, a traditional high standard condo and 6 hours away from Rio .

I own 30 lots between 500 and 800m2 and I would like to sell the rights upon them for US$ 2500,00 each.

It belonged to my grandfather’s company “Imobiliária água limpa” of which I have a share of 10 percent. The total assets are up to 340 lots, just beside coca cola’s factory, the other family members might be interested in the same deal.

I do not have the time or disposition or resources to go for a lawyer and pay all the transfer taxes involved in the selling process (itbi) that’s why I’m looking forward to sell the rights to someone who has it. And I’m selling really cheap.

The average price for a single lot goes around US$ 20.000,00

Please, PM me if interested in further details: