Remote wholesales?

I’m curious to know if anyone has been able to wholesale “remotely” what I mean is being able to wholesale property to investors in citys that you are hundreds of miles from without ever even stepping foot in the property yourself. I can see how it would be possible to get leads, property, and contracts remotely by using internet, phone, and fax. Has anyone had or heard of anyone successfully doing this as a larger scale wholesale business?

I tried doing this once last year, but I didn’t know a ton about wholesaling like I do now and the people wanted $500 em deposit. That never happened, and the contract fell through because the owner decided to keep the house anyway for his mother to have a place to live in.

Don’t get me wrong - I think it can be done, successfully. And if you do decide to try it and drive there, I would make it a point to get out bandit signs, etc. in a day or 2.

there are a couple of courses out there on the subject. If I were new to the game, I wouldn’t try it yet as you need to practice locally first to get a feel of how it all works