1 Bedroom Tenant wants brother to move in?

Is this even permitted in Kansas? Its for a one bedroom but one of my tenants brothers has moved to town. He wants to move out of his current 2 bedroom (has roomate currently) and move to a one bedroom with his brother.

Is this allowed under the overcrowding laws? Is it illegal to tell them no I cant rent you the apartment? Thanks.



Generally speaking it is exceptable to have up to 3 people live in a one bedroom apartment.

The exceptable standard is:

Bachelor unit - 2 people.
One bedroom - 3 people.
Two bedroom - 5 people.
Three Bedroom - 7 people.

This may not be specifically true to every single town in the US but it is generally excepted in the majority of cities and states.

Two family members sharing a one bedroom apartment is reasonable.


Unless the laws are really weird in Kansas, you don’t have to let them do it. If you don’t want him to, just tell him no. You are the boss, not the other way around.

Be prepared for him to move out and leave you a vacancy if the roommate can’t afford the 2 bedroom on his own. Did you find out how the roommate feels about the situation?

Does the tenant have a lease? Tell him he can’t break the lease, if you don’t want him to move.

You also want to tell him (in writing) that the brother can not move in without being screened. I suspect that the brother doesn’t have a job, so that’s an automatic no.

If you do let him move, get another security deposit. There is no refund on deposits until the 2 bedroom is completely empty and all damage is paid for. If the roommate stays in the 2 bedroom, too bad. He doesn’t get his deposit until that unit is vacant. So he will have to come up with an additional deposit.

good to know that I do not have to let them do it. We have had lots of trouble with people moving in friends without permission, normally after just arriving in the US without any rental history. This must be the reason other buildings in my area have an earnings requirement of 5-6 times rent. We are near a college. Hate to have to do it but dont think I will allow this one. They are in a lease. Room mate wont move he has a new one lined up. If the other guy wants out thats fine. Thanks!