AAAHHHHHH The GOOD OLD DAYS!!! Or...planting the seeds for a housing crash

I recently found this 2006 real estate commercial on YOUTUBE.

I thought it PERFECTLY summed up HOW we got to where we are.
This is a conversation that occured in MILLIONS of kitchens across the USA in 2006.

The KILLER line in this is “Suzanne researched this.”

BEAUTIFUL…Just beautiful!!

A CLASSIC example of how doing the complete opposite of what EXPERTS are telling you is usually the correct coarse of action!!!

That’s hilarious. It kills me that some people think it is a good idea to follow the investment advice of another without doing any due diligence of their own. Especially from a Realtor who would most likely be unable to identify or analyze an investment in the first place.

The sad truth is that the main reason this actually is’nt happening like this clip anymore is -they can’t get the loans.If those "good old days"come back to that extent,I’ll get my license and be a double hitter.

What’s unconscionable is it says that this commercial was made in 2006. Even I knew back then that the RE market was slumping, yet their greed and stupidity led them to create an ad like this, even at that time.

This is one of the many commercials that tries to make the husband look dumb. Although in hindsight it makes the wife look dumber.

I agree with the number of those that attempt to make husbands look that way.Though this one they both are in the dumb boat by including a realtor in THEIR decision,so I guess we’re supposed to go ask a car salesman"do you think I should buy this car?".Sometimes advertising insults us with brains in our heads.

LOL. I know there are decent, honest RE agents out there, but the idea that you would trust Suzanne the realtor to do unbiased mortgage “research” for you in the biggest financial decision of you life is so unbelieveably idiotic. Unfortunately there seem to be more and more people out there who want a Suzanne to validate their own hopes and desires instead of thinking for themselves. Maybe the current financial crisis will finally wake some of these people up.

I for one, dont blame this Suzzanne at all. I would do the same if I were an agent. If it came down to me getting a sale, or telling somebody they couldnt really afford something, ill always take the sale. Just my opinion… Shes in it to make money, cant fault her for it.

I agree Hoosier, It is sad that people are that ignorant but I would be more than happy to use this to my advantage for financial gain.

I’m after the profit in all deals.But I’m torn on this one.My wife’s a realtor & has a buyer looking @ $1.5mill houses and offers her honest opinion on the deals to him.He said he was dealing with another realtor that was in it for herself ,my wife told him “I just want you to get the house you want for the price you want”.He has told her she’s so cool and told his cousin to call her who wants to spend same amount and another lady called today he sent wanting to list her house with her.I do the same with private investors,just telling them it has to be good for them and I’m happy,seems to be working good this far.Although it would be tempting to take advantage of the ignorance of the two morons in this video.

Is Suzanne a real person? At the end they show a Century 21 business card in the background with her first and last name. If I were her I’d want to distance myself from that commercial at this period of time. :rolleyes

It has always amazed me how some husbands let their wives dictate these and other financial decisions with COMPLETE authority.

Now before I get ahead of myself…I KNOW there are women out there who enjoy risk taking and are incredible investors and actually PUSH their husbands to invest. But it is AMAZING how popular culture depicts American MEN as bumbling IDIOTS…Without exception every sit com on TV from the Honeymooners to Roseanne has used this set up for DECADES. The wife has the brains, and the husand is just a dope that NEEDS the woman to keep him from destroying their lives.

I see this ALL THE TIME with new real estate investors. The husband is gun ho, ready to roll, but gets pulled back or DENIED even the CHANCE to invest because his wife will not even LISTEN to the idea.

Instead these people make the CLASSIC home buyers SCREW UP.


We’ve all seen it…It’s usually a home that either costs TOO MUCH or is CHEAP but has ABSOLUTELY NO POTENTIAL…You guy’s know what I’m talking about…The house that’s too small and the new “owners” spend TOO MUCH on it. Thus creating the most expensive SMALL HOUSE in the neighborhood that they’re now BURIED IN. At that point they can’t SAVE money to invest or take out EQUITY to do so…They are literally SHUT DOWN…They don’t OWN that home…That HOME…OWNS THEM. And it COULD have been MUCH, MUCH different.

I’ve seen guys find GREAT DEALS on homes but get SHUT DOWN by their wife because…

“If it’s such a great deal why didn’t someone else buy it and make money on it.”
:banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead

Of coarse these homes are usually filled with rotting food, have UGLY interiors and exteriors, and are by no means a DREAM HOUSE…BUT…They are MONEY MAKERS!!!

Don’t get me wrong here…There are guys that WOULD DESTROY everything by investing because they don’t know what they’re doing…BUT

When did the AMERICAN MAN completely lose his b@lls???

In the end these GUY’S are at fault, not their wives. They didn’t take the TIME to develope the IDEA of investing with their wife. I see this all the time. I tell new Real Estate investors this…

You’ve got ONE SHOT to do this right…You screw up your first home purchase??? It will take you DECADES to dig out…You do it RIGHT???
And it will take you only ONE DECADE to pay off your MORTGAGE COMPLETELY…


Thanks for posting that video Jake. It seemed too good to be true at first, I thought it was a spoof. Amazingly it was real. That was the best laugh I had all week.

I agree the “dumb husband” meme has been around for decades. I remember my dad complaining about those commercials while I was growing up.

LOL, I love it! Good points on the “bumbling IDIOTS” that advertisers like to make men out to be.