Houston Foreclosed Land Sale???

Hello to all… I’m located in the Houston/Galveston area…I’ve been told foreclosed residentail lots can be bought for a couple of thousand dollars or less??? Is this accurate??? i know it all depends on location…size…of lot but need infor…


Too vague to be of any help. I was at a tax sale early this month and saw many lots for less than $5000 in Lago Vista area here near the lake. Some others too. I am sure there are some in Houston as well. Subscribe to foreclosure listing service there and I am sure you will find some cheap lots. I have bought houses for Less than $5000 and even a 4 plex.

Good LUCK and Thank You
Hope this helps some
Ted Jr

You will not find a shortage of lots in any of the large metropolitan areas.

A good thing about lots is that they are never homesteaded and typically have little to no titling issues. They can be flipped (if you have contacts) or kept for investment or building.

The best way to pursue lots is to look for subdivisions that are growing in size. If building in taking place in the subdivision then the lot will likely have alot more value. If the subdivision is ‘dead’ then stay away.

Corpus Christi and Port Aransas are prime for buidling right now. Also Galveston in some areas is also hot. You just have to use your common sense, follow some established techniques and go after it! Its there!